The following is a list of the days of the week in Spanish with audio.
domingo |
Sunday |
lunes |
Monday |
martes |
Tuesday |
miércoles |
Wednesday |
jueves |
Thursday |
viernes |
Friday |
sábado |
Saturday |
Time Markers
anteayer (day before yesterday)
ayer (yesterday)
hoy (today)
mañana (tomorrow)
pasado mañana (the day after tomorrow)
lunes |
martes |
miércoles |
jueves |
viernes |
Pay attention:
In Spanish, the days of the week are always written in lowercase, except at the beginning of the sentence.
El próximo lunes tengo prueba de español.
(Next Monday I have Spanish test.)
On Saturday and Sunday can be called
"fin de semana".
Tengo que trabajar este fin de semana.
(I have to work this weekend.)
In Spanish, the seven days of the week are masculine gender.
el lunes, el martes, el miércoles...
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...)