Difference between "Ves" and "Vez" in Spanish


"Ves" is a conjugated form of the Spanish verb "ver" in second singular person of the present indicative tense ("tú ves").
It can be translated as "(you) see".

Example 1:

Si miras por aquella ventana, ves el mar.

(If you look out the window, you can see the sea.)

Example 2:

Si ves a Antonio le dices que venga.

(If you see Antonio you tell him to come.)


It is a noun. Plural: "veces".
In English it means: "time (occasion, frequency)".

Example 3:

Estuvo aquí una vez, pero no he vuelto a verlo.

(He was here once, but I have not seen him since.)

Example 4:

¿Has visto alguna vez cosa semejante?

(Have you ever seen any such thing?)

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