Difference between "Más" (with accent mark) and "Mas" (without accent mark) in Spanish


- Adversative conjunction.
- In English, equivalent to: but.

Example 1:

Él lo perdonó, mas nunca olvidará lo que le hizo.

(He forgave him, but he will never forget what he did to him.)

Example 2:

Estudié toda la semana, mas no lo suficiente.

(I studied all week, but not enough.)

Más (with accent mark)

- Adverb of quantity
- In English, equivalent to: more.

Example 3:

Han llegado más invitados a la fiesta.

(More guests arrived to the party.)

Example 4:

El café está muy amargo, ponle más azúcar.

(The coffee is too bitter, add more sugar.)

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Dejar plantado (a alguien)
To stand up, to dump
Meaning: do not go on a date with someone.