- Followed by a noun, to indicate the place where an action originates. In English means: "from".
Example 1:
Mi madre me ha mandado una carta desde España.
(My mother sent me a letter from Spain.)
- Followed by a time, to indicate the moment when an action originates. In English means: "since".
Example 2:
La escuela está cerrada desde finales del año pasado.
(The school has been closed since late last year.)
- Expression: "Desde luego". It is used to indicate affirmation or understanding of something.
- In English: "Of course!, certainly!"
Example 3:
Desde luego que no me perderé el juego hoy.
(Of course I will not miss the game today.)
- Expression: "desde que".
- In English: "since, given that".
Example 4:
Desde que así sea aprobado por todos.
(Since it be approved by everyone.)
Tip # 48